Employee Background Screening

Better Quality of Employee.

Employees are the assets of the organization which will indulge in the growth of the organization. They are main key players. One should have the right person at the right job. When this process is done right, are heightened productivity and a better quality of work life

Scores….. Background Screening

Background screening is vital for employers to protect their businesses from legal hassles arising out of negligent hiring. It minimizes the cost of replacement hiring, which can be as much as five times the salary of the post to be filled. Background screening gives businesses a better quality of employee; the unprincipled ones stay away. Applicants with a history of undesirable conduct or drug abuse can be quickly identified and weeded out, creating a safe and productive workplace for employees.

Verfications Checks

Education Check

Academic records of the Employee can be checked with the respective Universities or College to know authencity of the documents.

Employment Check

Validates the information submitted by the Employee pertaining to the previous organizations like – Tenure, Designation, Remuneration, and Reason for leaving, Exit Formalities completed or Pending, any issues during the tenure, Eligibility for rehire.

Reference Check

Obtains feedback about the candidate's strengths, weaknesses, character and integrity from a person known to the candidate (Usually previous supervisor)

Address Check

Ensures that the information provided by the candidate with respect to his / her residential address is factually correct

Criminal Record (Police)

Verify whether any criminal complaint or criminal case has been filed against the name of the candidate in the police records

National Criminal Check with OFAC / World Check

The areas checked out are transparency, reputation risk, legal issues and legislative requirements. A criminal history record includes any arrests and the subsequent dispositions attributable to an individual. A complete criminal history makes it possible to immediately identify individuals with prior criminal records in any state as an element of a background check

Identity Check (Pan Card /Driving License / Voter ID)

Validation of identity is essential for making an informed hiring decision.

Passport Check

Authenticity of passport and to confirm identity of the passport holder.

National Sex offender

Provides the information about sexual abuse and how to protect themselves and loved ones from potential victimization.

Company Check

Provide the information about the existence of the company.

RISK – In Case Of No EBS Checks

The need for Employee Background Screening arises from employees presenting dubious facts in their resume. Frauds can range from submitting fake qualification and experience certificates. Thus, the need arises for employers to check existing and prospective employees to safeguard their business interest.

Cyber Crimes

Property Theft

Higher Attrition Rates

Risk of Data Theft

Higher Recruitment Costs

Erosion of Business Credibility

Inflated Salary Bills